Zans Plumbing

Zans Plumbing

Home Services in Seattle, WA

Home Services Plumbers and Heating Technicians

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5530 32nd Ave S.,
Seattle , WA 98118 UNITED STATES


Zans Plumbing 206-723-2641
5530 32nd Ave S.,
Seattle , WA 98118 UNITED STATES
Zans Plumbing 2

Based on 1 reviews

Zans Plumbing 206-723-2641
5530 32nd Ave S.,
Seattle , WA 98118 UNITED STATES
2 5


Zan and her helper came out to install a tub spigot and a hand held shower head and hose. This job, after watching and listening to what they were doing, consisted of hack sawing a copper stub, set screwing the spigot on to the copper...
posted at 03/08/11

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Zans Plumbing
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2.0 (1 reviews)
replace plumbing,  need a plumber,  plumbing pipes plumbing faucets
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