Z World

Z World

Auto Repair in Cypress, TX

Auto Repair

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11911 Woodworth Dr.,
Cypress , TX 77429 UNITED STATES


Z World 281-256-0122
11911 Woodworth Dr.,
Cypress , TX 77429 UNITED STATES
Z World 1

Based on 1 reviews

Z World 281-256-0122
11911 Woodworth Dr.,
Cypress , TX 77429 UNITED STATES
1 5

Owner is a CROOK!!!

The owner of this shop, Kin Chan, is a crook. I paid him over 5k to rebuild my 240Z and it still does not run after it was returned. It ran for about a week after it was picked up and never ran again. He seems to think that it is OK to...
posted at 04/18/11

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Z World
Auto Repair
1.0 (1 reviews)
auto tune up,  automotive repair service,  radiator repair german auto repair
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