Woods Automotive Service Center

Woods Automotive Service Center

Auto Repair in Macon, GA

Auto Repair Tires

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2644 Houston Ave.,
Macon , GA 31206 UNITED STATES


Woods Automotive Service Center 478-745-2624
2644 Houston Ave.,
Macon , GA 31206 UNITED STATES
Woods Automotive Service Center 5

Based on 1 reviews

Woods Automotive Service Center 478-745-2624
2644 Houston Ave.,
Macon , GA 31206 UNITED STATES
5 5

Best mechanic ever

My entire family has used Wood's for YEARS. They never overcharge us, they do good work, and they are actually honest. I recommend them to everyone I know. The other reviewer who said they are "never open" must be trying to go a 9 PM,...
posted at 08/04/11

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Company name
Woods Automotive Service Center
Auto Repair
5.0 (1 reviews)
automotive repair service,  muffler repair,  collision auto repair
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