Widener Collision

Widener Collision

Auto Repair in Riverview, MI

Auto Repair Body Shops

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18650 Fort.,
Riverview , MI 48193 UNITED STATES


Widener Collision 734-285-7770
18650 Fort.,
Riverview , MI 48193 UNITED STATES
Widener Collision 5

Based on 2 reviews

Widener Collision 734-285-7770
18650 Fort.,
Riverview , MI 48193 UNITED STATES
5 5

Excellent Work

I had my car repaired here after getting into an accident (my car was in really bad shape). They did such a really good job that I couldn't, even tell that it was evolved in an accident. I think that it looks better now than when I first...
posted at 01/25/11
Widener Collision 734-285-7770
18650 Fort.,
Riverview , MI 48193 UNITED STATES
5 5

Awesome Work

I took my vehicle here to have it fixed & not only did they do a fantastic job but also were very friendly....I would highly recommend widener collision to anyone looking to get a job well done!!!!!
posted at 01/25/11

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Widener Collision
Auto Repair
5.0 (2 reviews)
auto electrical,  car audio installation,  car mechanic auto brakes
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