Westend Kennels

Westend Kennels

Pets in Scappoose, OR

Pets Dog Breeders Pet Care and Grooming

Contact us


52745 E Honeyman Rd.,
Scappoose , OR 97056 UNITED STATES


Westend Kennels 503-543-6398
52745 E Honeyman Rd.,
Scappoose , OR 97056 UNITED STATES
Westend Kennels 2.3333333333333

Based on 3 reviews

Westend Kennels 503-543-6398
52745 E Honeyman Rd.,
Scappoose , OR 97056 UNITED STATES
1 5


My dog was injured and they neglected to call me and tend to his wound! The scab that went over it was not allowing Oxygen to get to it. Leaving me with a vet bill that so far I have been unable to get taken care of! Will never take my...
posted at 06/14/10
Westend Kennels 503-543-6398
52745 E Honeyman Rd.,
Scappoose , OR 97056 UNITED STATES
5 5

Fine Hunting Dogs

Have enjoyed years of fine training and care of my bird hunting dogs. Owners have bred some of the top performing Field Trial Weimaraners in the country.
posted at 10/15/10
Westend Kennels 503-543-6398
52745 E Honeyman Rd.,
Scappoose , OR 97056 UNITED STATES
1 5

Worst place to take the one you love!

I left my dog there for a week while I sent my soldier off. Did not like what I came home too! I picked him up on a Monday to find huge bumps on his head and the person working there had no clue what she was doing but said call this...
posted at 06/18/10

Detail information

Company name
Westend Kennels
2.3 (3 reviews)
pet store,  pets first,  puppies pets pets store
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Westend Kennels

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