West Gray Cleaners

West Gray Cleaners

Local Services in Houston, TX

Local Services Dry Cleaning & Laundry Office Cleaning and Janitorial Services

Contact us


303 W Gray St.,
Houston , TX 77019 UNITED STATES


West Gray Cleaners 713-522-2850
303 W Gray St.,
Houston , TX 77019 UNITED STATES
West Gray Cleaners 2

Based on 3 reviews

West Gray Cleaners 713-522-2850
303 W Gray St.,
Houston , TX 77019 UNITED STATES
4 5

Decent cleaners

I'd been using the location at West Gray for three years, but moved six months ago and now use the new location on Fannin, which in my opinion is better. I'm happy with the services they've provided, but I've never had any of the problems...
posted at 03/20/10
West Gray Cleaners 713-522-2850
303 W Gray St.,
Houston , TX 77019 UNITED STATES
1 5

Bad Customer Service

Sorry for the length, but here is an honest assessment of West Gray cleaners by a mostly satisfied customer. I have been using West Gray Cleaners for the past 3 years without any major incident. They seemed to do a pretty standard job...
posted at 02/18/10
West Gray Cleaners 713-522-2850
303 W Gray St.,
Houston , TX 77019 UNITED STATES
1 5

Poor Customer Service Skills

I brought in a shirt for a re-do. When I came to pick it up with another cleaning order, the "manager" looked at the ticket and told me that I only had five shirts. When I told him that I brought in a sixth for a re-do, he continued to...
posted at 12/13/10

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West Gray Cleaners
Local Services
2.0 (3 reviews)
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West Gray Cleaners

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