Warm Hearts

Warm Hearts

Children in Miami, FL

Children Children Clothing

Contact us


4746 Sw 72nd Ave.,
Miami , FL 33155 UNITED STATES


Warm Hearts 305-663-8117
4746 Sw 72nd Ave.,
Miami , FL 33155 UNITED STATES
Warm Hearts 1

Based on 1 reviews

Warm Hearts 305-663-8117
4746 Sw 72nd Ave.,
Miami , FL 33155 UNITED STATES
1 5

Horrible Customer Service!!!!

How do you rate this store a zero!

Agree with previous reviews that have mentioned the poor customer service. There a multiple dresses that are damaged in the store as happened with our little girls dress. As we tried to discuss this...
posted at 08/09/11

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Warm Hearts
1.0 (1 reviews)
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