CompuKing Computer Repair of Tulsa

CompuKing Computer Repair of Tulsa

Local Services in Tulsa, OK

Local Services IT Services & Computers Business Consulting and Services

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10208 E 41st St.,
Tulsa , OK 74146 UNITED STATES

About CompuKing Computer Repair of Tulsa

At CompuKing Computer Repair, we find affordable solutions for all of your computer problems.

CompuKing's techs effeciently diagnose and repair Microsoft Windows, Linux and Mac computers and are constantly maintaining certifications for the products and services we support. Our expertise with a wide variety of software and tools makes us your pc support company of choice.

Our solutions will take into account your requirements as a user, future use, and your technical ability. We will also work with you on remote support, building that new pc, and setting up your home network.


CompuKing Computer Repair of Tulsa 918-622-1700
10208 E 41st St.,
Tulsa , OK 74146 UNITED STATES
CompuKing Computer Repair of Tulsa

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CompuKing Computer Repair of Tulsa

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