Vortex Motorsport

Vortex Motorsport

Auto Repair in Tampa, FL

Auto Repair

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5217 W Hillsborough Ave.,
Tampa , FL 33634 UNITED STATES


Vortex Motorsport 813-874-1911
5217 W Hillsborough Ave.,
Tampa , FL 33634 UNITED STATES
Vortex Motorsport 5

Based on 1 reviews

Vortex Motorsport 813-874-1911
5217 W Hillsborough Ave.,
Tampa , FL 33634 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great place for quality upgrades/service

I had to reverse out some suspension upgrades on my BMW 545 and only a few shops have experience with mods on cars like this. After checking around with other well known performance shops I was disenchanted with costs that were either...
posted at 08/02/10

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Vortex Motorsport
Auto Repair
5.0 (1 reviews)
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