Volvo Service Div of European Auto Works

Volvo Service Div of European Auto Works

Auto Dealers in Columbus, OH

Auto Dealers Auto Repair Body Shops

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2398 Wood Ave.,
Columbus , OH 43221 UNITED STATES


Volvo Service Div of European Auto Works 614-486-2661
2398 Wood Ave.,
Columbus , OH 43221 UNITED STATES
Volvo Service Div of European Auto Works 5

Based on 3 reviews

Volvo Service Div of European Auto Works 614-486-2661
2398 Wood Ave.,
Columbus , OH 43221 UNITED STATES
5 5

European Auto For Life!

We received a trusted referral to European Auto Works more than 15 years ago when we were in the market for a used Volvo. We had the top two contenders looked at by European Auto Works and they helped us make a wise decision before...
posted at 04/05/11
Volvo Service Div of European Auto Works 614-486-2661
2398 Wood Ave.,
Columbus , OH 43221 UNITED STATES
5 5

A Customer for 15 Years!

I love Volvos and I have had one for over 20 years. The reason why I feel good about my Volvo (and my wife's Volvo) is because of European Auto Works. I recommend them to anyone that has a Volvo. They are reasonably priced, honest and...
posted at 02/15/10
Volvo Service Div of European Auto Works 614-486-2661
2398 Wood Ave.,
Columbus , OH 43221 UNITED STATES
5 5

European Auto For Life!

We received a trusted referral to European Auto Works more than 15 years ago when we were in the market for a used Volvo. We had the top two contenders looked at by European Auto Works and they helped us make a wise decision before...
posted at 04/04/11

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Volvo Service Div of European Auto Works
Auto Dealers
5.0 (3 reviews)
car fixing,  auto brakes,  auto service auto electrical
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Volvo Service Div of European Auto Works

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