Vogel R Brad

Vogel R Brad

Health and Medical in Norman, OK

Health and Medical Hospitals and Medical Centers Doctors

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825 E Robinson St.,
Norman , OK 73071 UNITED STATES


Vogel R Brad 405-364-7900
825 E Robinson St.,
Norman , OK 73071 UNITED STATES
Vogel R Brad 1

Based on 1 reviews

Vogel R Brad 405-364-7900
825 E Robinson St.,
Norman , OK 73071 UNITED STATES
1 5

Lack of concern

We made an appointment with Dr. Beller because my 25 year old husband has been experiencing worsening pain in both knees. After asking him some questions, Dr. Beller ordered an MRI. After over a week, we finally were able to make a second appointment with Dr. Beller to discuss the results. We first picked up and read the radiology report ourselves. The MD who made the report stated my husband appeared to have fluid on both knees and weakness in the meniscus area. Dr Beller was an hour late for our appointment. He spent about three minutes with us and when asked, said there was no fluid on the joints and no meniscus weakness. He told my husband he could run and do any physical thing required of him at his job. He was VERY cold and uncaring. He did not offer my husband any pain medication nor did he take time to discuss what other options we might have in finding the cause of my husband's pain. From the MRI, two doctor visits, etc, we owe $800, after insurance has been deducted, and still do not know what is wrong with my husband. We can't afford to go to another doctor until we pay this off. My husband is still in pain and must walk with a cane. His mobility seems to be getting less as well. I hope in posting this I can prevent some other person from being treated with the same lack of consideration.
posted at 11/21/06

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Health and Medical
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