Virgil's Automotive

Virgil's Automotive

Auto Repair in Lee's Summit, MO

Auto Repair

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946 Se 7th Ter.,
Lee's Summit , MO 64063 UNITED STATES


Virgil's Automotive 816-524-5153
946 Se 7th Ter.,
Lee's Summit , MO 64063 UNITED STATES
Virgil's Automotive 3.6666666666667

Based on 3 reviews

Virgil's Automotive 816-524-5153
946 Se 7th Ter.,
Lee's Summit , MO 64063 UNITED STATES
5 5

Best Service In the Area

Took my car there fixed what I needed done, didn't push any extra's told me what could being going out and how long I had and as time went by they where right on the money. Been going there for over...
posted at 01/30/11
Virgil's Automotive 816-524-5153
946 Se 7th Ter.,
Lee's Summit , MO 64063 UNITED STATES
5 5

BEST Service in Lees Summit

I've been taking my vehicles to Virgil's for years and swear by the great service I get! They are honest with what needs to be done and provide a complete, accurate estimate & time needed for comple...
posted at 04/30/11
Virgil's Automotive 816-524-5153
946 Se 7th Ter.,
Lee's Summit , MO 64063 UNITED STATES
1 5

Do Not Go

Unfortunately, I have had to take my car back after every repair to repair the last repair. Nothing was gauranteed as every time I took it back, they continued to charge me because they either "found something else" or they were unable to...
posted at 07/12/11

Detail information

Company name
Virgil's Automotive
Auto Repair
3.7 (3 reviews)
german auto repair,  domestic car repair,  fix car scratch muffler repair
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