Virgilio Laundromat

Virgilio Laundromat

Local Services in Boston, MA

Local Services Dry Cleaning & Laundry

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172 Salem St.,
Boston , MA 02113 UNITED STATES


Virgilio Laundromat 617-523-9215
172 Salem St.,
Boston , MA 02113 UNITED STATES
Virgilio Laundromat 2.6666666666667

Based on 3 reviews

Virgilio Laundromat 617-523-9215
172 Salem St.,
Boston , MA 02113 UNITED STATES
2 5

Pricey Off-Site Dry Cleaning

Maybe I'm biased based on the cheap dry cleaning I'm used to back home in the suburbs, but this place seems a little ridiculous to me. It takes about a week to get things back, and it's expensive. I just started using dryel instead.
posted at 07/20/10
Virgilio Laundromat 617-523-9215
172 Salem St.,
Boston , MA 02113 UNITED STATES
4 5

Great laundromat

I did my laundry there every single week for 7 years. It's safe to leave your stuff in the washer/dryer and just go hang out at a cafe for an hour. They also have good, dependable dry-cleaning service.
posted at 10/11/09
Virgilio Laundromat 617-523-9215
172 Salem St.,
Boston , MA 02113 UNITED STATES
2 5

Pricey Off-Site Dry Cleaning

Maybe I'm biased based on the cheap dry cleaning I'm used to back home in the suburbs, but this place seems a little ridiculous to me. It takes about a week to get things back, and it's expensive. I just started using dryel instead.
posted at 07/20/10

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Virgilio Laundromat
Local Services
2.7 (3 reviews)
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Virgilio Laundromat

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