Village Auto Sales

Village Auto Sales

Automotive in Gastonia, NC

Automotive Auto Dealers

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4304 Wilkinson Blvd.,
Gastonia , NC 28056 UNITED STATES


Village Auto Sales 704-824-9451
4304 Wilkinson Blvd.,
Gastonia , NC 28056 UNITED STATES
Village Auto Sales 3.3333333333333

Based on 3 reviews

Village Auto Sales 704-824-9451
4304 Wilkinson Blvd.,
Gastonia , NC 28056 UNITED STATES
3 5

Brandy L

this car lot had a good selection of cars and the guy that help me was nice and friendly. I did not buy a car there but not because I did not like the place just they did not have what I was looking for.
posted at 02/02/10
Village Auto Sales 704-824-9451
4304 Wilkinson Blvd.,
Gastonia , NC 28056 UNITED STATES
4 5

amy m

I stopped to look around at what they had to offer and the sales guy was very friendly and professional and was helpful in answering all my questions.
posted at 02/03/10
Village Auto Sales 704-824-9451
4304 Wilkinson Blvd.,
Gastonia , NC 28056 UNITED STATES
3 5

Brandy L

this car lot had a good selection of cars and the guy that help me was nice and friendly. I did not buy a car there but not because I did not like the place just they did not have what I was looking for.
posted at 02/01/10

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Village Auto Sales
3.3 (3 reviews)
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