Univ. Park Academy

Univ. Park Academy

Education in Houston, TX

Education Colleges & Universities Schools

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5830 Van Fleet St.,
Houston , TX 77033 UNITED STATES


Univ. Park Academy 713-641-1330
5830 Van Fleet St.,
Houston , TX 77033 UNITED STATES
Univ. Park Academy 5

Based on 1 reviews

Univ. Park Academy 713-641-1330
5830 Van Fleet St.,
Houston , TX 77033 UNITED STATES
5 5

University Park Academy Graduates 3,114

Students matriculated from banged up public high school careers to a high school diploma using the highly effective EPOD teaching methodolgy by Marvin C. Delaney Superintendent of the University Park Academy System.

EPOD is Education...
posted at 05/23/11

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