Uhuru Furniture & Collectibles

Uhuru Furniture & Collectibles

Furniture in Philadelphia, PA

Furniture Flowers & Gifts Thrift Shops

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1220 Spruce St.,
Philadelphia , PA 19107 UNITED STATES


Uhuru Furniture & Collectibles 215-546-9616
1220 Spruce St.,
Philadelphia , PA 19107 UNITED STATES
Uhuru Furniture & Collectibles 1

Based on 2 reviews

Uhuru Furniture & Collectibles 215-546-9616
1220 Spruce St.,
Philadelphia , PA 19107 UNITED STATES
1 5

These people are jerks.

I have never been treated like such a diseased human being for having Ikea furniture I'd like to donate. Yes, donate. Unbelievable.
posted at 06/25/10
Uhuru Furniture & Collectibles 215-546-9616
1220 Spruce St.,
Philadelphia , PA 19107 UNITED STATES
1 5

Fraudulent fundraising by dangerous violent people

I can't find any evidence that the money we give them goes to charity. One Uhuru told me her uncle runs it and takes the family on a luxurious vacation every year to Europe and Africa, provides jobs for relatives.

The worker bees seem...
posted at 02/06/11

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Uhuru Furniture & Collectibles
1.0 (2 reviews)
office furniture storage,  computer office furniture,  buy office furniture modular office furniture
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