Tyson Kennels

Tyson Kennels

Pet Stores in Menlo Park, CA

Pet Stores Dog Breeders Pet Care and Grooming

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3735 Haven Ave.,
Menlo Park , CA 94025 UNITED STATES


Tyson Kennels 650-364-3151
3735 Haven Ave.,
Menlo Park , CA 94025 UNITED STATES
Tyson Kennels 4

Based on 1 reviews

Tyson Kennels 650-364-3151
3735 Haven Ave.,
Menlo Park , CA 94025 UNITED STATES
4 5

GSD Breeder

Excellent organization, professional, friendly staff including the owner Randy. Whether it's puppy or boarding that you want this organization is top notch, highly recommended.
posted at 01/10/11

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Tyson Kennels
Pet Stores
4.0 (1 reviews)
just pets,  pet products,  pet cats kitten pets
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Tyson Kennels

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