Tutor Time Childcare Learning Centers

Tutor Time Childcare Learning Centers

Local Services in Torrance, CA

Local Services Child Care and Day Care Centers

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2850 Sepulveda Blvd.,
Torrance , CA 90505 UNITED STATES


Tutor Time Childcare Learning Centers 310-539-4890
2850 Sepulveda Blvd.,
Torrance , CA 90505 UNITED STATES
Tutor Time Childcare Learning Centers 1

Based on 3 reviews

Tutor Time Childcare Learning Centers 310-539-4890
2850 Sepulveda Blvd.,
Torrance , CA 90505 UNITED STATES
1 5

Unprofessional Staff

Concur with the other negative reviews. The staff members and directors are rude and unprofessional. There is little to no planning in the admissions process. If communications with parents are not a priority here then how can you...
posted at 02/24/11
Tutor Time Childcare Learning Centers 310-539-4890
2850 Sepulveda Blvd.,
Torrance , CA 90505 UNITED STATES
1 5


The center director has horrible communication skills. She talks down to the parents as well as her staff members. The new assistant director is not that friendly either. \r
I'm glad I took my child out. What a waste of money.
posted at 09/10/10
Tutor Time Childcare Learning Centers 310-539-4890
2850 Sepulveda Blvd.,
Torrance , CA 90505 UNITED STATES
1 5


there are too many kids in one classroom. there aren't enough teachers. for quality care, they should lower their student:teacher ratio.
posted at 09/13/10

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Tutor Time Childcare Learning Centers
Local Services
1.0 (3 reviews)
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Tutor Time Childcare Learning Centers

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