Turner & Stevens Live Oak Mortuary

Turner & Stevens Live Oak Mortuary

Cemeteries in Monrovia, CA


Contact us


200 E Duarte Rd.,
Monrovia , CA 91016 UNITED STATES


Turner & Stevens Live Oak Mortuary 626-359-5311
200 E Duarte Rd.,
Monrovia , CA 91016 UNITED STATES
Turner & Stevens Live Oak Mortuary 3

Based on 2 reviews

Turner & Stevens Live Oak Mortuary 626-359-5311
200 E Duarte Rd.,
Monrovia , CA 91016 UNITED STATES
5 5

My Mom

This is the resting place for my whole family. Live Oak has helped our family thru alot these last few weeks. Everyone there was very nice to our family. They helped us to get my mom's funeral in order. So I thank them so much.
posted at 02/12/10
Turner & Stevens Live Oak Mortuary 626-359-5311
200 E Duarte Rd.,
Monrovia , CA 91016 UNITED STATES
1 5


Over the years, my sister had my father and mother buried at the cemetary. And my sister's daughter died about 8 years ago and was buried there. I would have thought they wanted to make money and be loyal to a family who gave them...
posted at 12/29/10

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Turner & Stevens Live Oak Mortuary
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