Turner Daniel W DDS

Turner Daniel W DDS

Dentists in Charlotte, NC


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6207 Park South Dr.,
Charlotte , NC 28210 UNITED STATES


Turner Daniel W DDS 704-553-0008
6207 Park South Dr.,
Charlotte , NC 28210 UNITED STATES
Turner Daniel W DDS 4

Based on 2 reviews

Turner Daniel W DDS 704-553-0008
6207 Park South Dr.,
Charlotte , NC 28210 UNITED STATES
4 5

Dr Turner does a great job

I have been going to Dr Turner for 4+ years since we moved to Charlotte. He has always been prompt and the staff is very professional. My visits to the Dentist have a good experience. Thank You
posted at 04/20/10
Turner Daniel W DDS 704-553-0008
6207 Park South Dr.,
Charlotte , NC 28210 UNITED STATES
4 5

"questionable at best"

My family and I have been seeing Dr. Turner for 25 years now. So it was natural that I would send my fiance to see him too. He needed quite a bit of work done (he has advanced periodontal disease). We explained to Dr. Turner that we were...
posted at 03/18/10

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