Turkey Cove Auto Repair & Alignment

Turkey Cove Auto Repair & Alignment

Auto Repair in Canyon Lake, TX

Auto Repair

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1485 Island Vw.,
Canyon Lake , TX 78133 UNITED STATES


Turkey Cove Auto Repair & Alignment 830-905-7905
1485 Island Vw.,
Canyon Lake , TX 78133 UNITED STATES
Turkey Cove Auto Repair & Alignment 1

Based on 1 reviews

Turkey Cove Auto Repair & Alignment 830-905-7905
1485 Island Vw.,
Canyon Lake , TX 78133 UNITED STATES
1 5

Do not go here! My husband and I DROVE our car to this repair place because it was having difficulty starting. They quoted us $2500 to have it repaired. One week and three phone calls later thay said that it would now cost $8500 to have it RUNNING AGAIN. We declined any further service, but they are requiring that we pay the labor they say they have already put into the vehicle. So, we have to pay $1250 before we can have our car TOWED to another shop.
posted at 08/18/11

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Turkey Cove Auto Repair & Alignment
Auto Repair
1.0 (1 reviews)
car repair services,  car fixing
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