Trumpets Jazz Club & Restaurant

Trumpets Jazz Club & Restaurant

Restaurants in Montclair, NJ

Restaurants Jazz & Blues Night Clubs

Contact us


6 Depot Sq.,
Montclair , NJ 07042 UNITED STATES


Trumpets Jazz Club & Restaurant 973-744-2600
6 Depot Sq.,
Montclair , NJ 07042 UNITED STATES
Trumpets Jazz Club & Restaurant 3

Based on 3 reviews

Trumpets Jazz Club & Restaurant 973-744-2600
6 Depot Sq.,
Montclair , NJ 07042 UNITED STATES
4 5

Worst Customer Service, maybe even racist

Worst customer service, maybe even borderline racist. I took my wife for a nice night out hoping to show her a good time. I had made reservations at Trumpets and we get there pay the $15 cover charge for each to then find out our table...
posted at 03/20/11
Trumpets Jazz Club & Restaurant 973-744-2600
6 Depot Sq.,
Montclair , NJ 07042 UNITED STATES
4 5

Worst customer service, maybe even borderline racist.

Worst customer service, maybe even borderline racist. I took my wife for a nice night out hoping to show her a good time. I had made reservations at Trumpets and we get there pay the $15 cover charge for each to then find out our table...
posted at 03/19/11
Trumpets Jazz Club & Restaurant 973-744-2600
6 Depot Sq.,
Montclair , NJ 07042 UNITED STATES
1 5

Worst customer service, maybe even borderline racist.

Worst customer service, maybe even borderline racist. I took my wife for a nice night out hoping to show her a good time. I had made reservations at Trumpets and we get there pay the $15 cover charge for each to then find out our table...
posted at 03/20/11

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Trumpets Jazz Club & Restaurant
3.0 (3 reviews)
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Trumpets Jazz Club & Restaurant

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