Treganowan Lucille Transmissions

Treganowan Lucille Transmissions

Auto Repair in Pittsburgh, PA

Auto Repair Transmissions and Engines

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47 Verona Rd.,
Pittsburgh , PA 15235 UNITED STATES


Treganowan Lucille Transmissions 412-731-5860
47 Verona Rd.,
Pittsburgh , PA 15235 UNITED STATES
Treganowan Lucille Transmissions 1

Based on 1 reviews

Treganowan Lucille Transmissions 412-731-5860
47 Verona Rd.,
Pittsburgh , PA 15235 UNITED STATES
1 5

Transmissions By Lucille-Terrible and untruthful

I took my '85 Mercedes 190e to this shop 3 weeks ago for a transmission rebuild. It took them a week just to look at my car and give me an estimate, which was expensive. I stuck with it however because this shop has a good reputation...
posted at 05/11/11

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Treganowan Lucille Transmissions
Auto Repair
1.0 (1 reviews)
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Treganowan Lucille Transmissions

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