Towing Rays Inc.

Towing Rays Inc.

Auto Repair in Milwaukee, WI

Auto Repair Body Shops Towing

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833 W Waterford Ave.,
Milwaukee , WI 53221 UNITED STATES


Towing Rays Inc. 414-481-4600
833 W Waterford Ave.,
Milwaukee , WI 53221 UNITED STATES
Towing Rays Inc. 3

Based on 2 reviews

Towing Rays Inc. 414-481-4600
833 W Waterford Ave.,
Milwaukee , WI 53221 UNITED STATES
1 5

Stolen Property

had property stolen and refused to take responsibility for it or even call me back. terrible customer service.
posted at 03/13/11
Towing Rays Inc. 414-481-4600
833 W Waterford Ave.,
Milwaukee , WI 53221 UNITED STATES
5 5

fast and professional

fast to arrive ,fast to hook, driver was nice and professional.
will use again
posted at 03/13/11

Detail information

Company name
Towing Rays Inc.
Auto Repair
3.0 (2 reviews)
japanese auto repair,  collision auto repair,  car repair services auto collision
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Towing Rays Inc.

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