

Auto Repair in Chula Vista, CA

Auto Repair Body Shops Towing

Contact us


305 E St.,
Chula Vista , CA 91910 UNITED STATES


Towing-Anthony's 619-420-0300
305 E St.,
Chula Vista , CA 91910 UNITED STATES
Towing-Anthony's 4.5

Based on 2 reviews

Towing-Anthony's 619-420-0300
305 E St.,
Chula Vista , CA 91910 UNITED STATES
5 5

Thank you.

Anthony's has towed my cars more than once, most recently about a month ago. The drivers have all been very careful with our cars and are very professional. Call Anthony's when you need a tow.
posted at 06/16/10
Towing-Anthony's 619-420-0300
305 E St.,
Chula Vista , CA 91910 UNITED STATES
4 5

Great company

We have had contact with Anthony's for years, from storing cars to towing cars. they have always done an excellent job and we have always been happy with their service and experienced employees.
posted at 05/21/10

Detail information

Company name
Auto Repair
4.5 (2 reviews)
auto electrical,  car brake repair,  foreign car repair car fixing
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