Total Care Automotive by Gene Brown

Total Care Automotive by Gene Brown

Auto Repair in San Antonio, TX

Auto Repair

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Walzem Rd.,
San Antonio , TX 78201 UNITED STATES


Total Care Automotive by Gene Brown 210-656-6566
Walzem Rd.,
San Antonio , TX 78201 UNITED STATES
Total Care Automotive by Gene Brown 4.3333333333333

Based on 3 reviews

Total Care Automotive by Gene Brown 210-656-6566
Walzem Rd.,
San Antonio , TX 78201 UNITED STATES
5 5

Affordable and Dependable

My ex-wife has a Durango and she has been having some car trouble in the mornings. So who does she call ME! I called the local dealership to let them know what was going on with her car and they said it would probably be the alternator...
posted at 07/23/10
Total Care Automotive by Gene Brown 210-656-6566
Walzem Rd.,
San Antonio , TX 78201 UNITED STATES
5 5


I have been going to Gene Brown Transmissions for about 2 years now and every time I am completely satisfied. As for this last time they went completely out of their way to help me out, I needed to make sure that my truck would pass for...
posted at 07/22/10
Total Care Automotive by Gene Brown 210-656-6566
Walzem Rd.,
San Antonio , TX 78201 UNITED STATES
3 5

seems ok

nothing seems satisfactory
nothing seems satisfactory
nothing seems satisfactory
nothing seems satisfactory
nothing seems satisfactory
posted at 12/13/10

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Total Care Automotive by Gene Brown
Auto Repair
4.3 (3 reviews)
car painting,  car audio installation,  auto mechanic foreign car repair
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