Topline Tire & Auto Centers Inc

Topline Tire & Auto Centers Inc

Auto Repair in Brooksville, FL

Auto Repair Tires

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13251 Cortez Blvd.,
Brooksville , FL 34613 UNITED STATES


Topline Tire & Auto Centers Inc 352-596-6613
13251 Cortez Blvd.,
Brooksville , FL 34613 UNITED STATES
Topline Tire & Auto Centers Inc 3

Based on 2 reviews

Topline Tire & Auto Centers Inc 352-596-6613
13251 Cortez Blvd.,
Brooksville , FL 34613 UNITED STATES
5 5

Five Star!!!

This is the absolute best place to take your car for repair!! I had my 2004 Chevy truck at 3 different shops in the area for an estimate on front end work and an alignment and Topline did the work for half the price and some of the...
posted at 02/01/11
Topline Tire & Auto Centers Inc 352-596-6613
13251 Cortez Blvd.,
Brooksville , FL 34613 UNITED STATES
1 5

Thier service is horrible

DO NOT i repeat DO NOT let these people work on your car or truck, 4 times they tried to fix the rear end on my my GMC pick up, they left drain plug out, never used the prper tools or torque, and now it cost me over 1400.00 for a whole...
posted at 09/27/10

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Topline Tire & Auto Centers Inc
Auto Repair
3.0 (2 reviews)
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