Tony's Auto Repair Inc.

Tony's Auto Repair Inc.

Auto Repair in South Gate, CA

Auto Repair

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9720 Atlantic Ave.,
South Gate , CA 90280 UNITED STATES


Tony's Auto Repair Inc. 323-564-3361
9720 Atlantic Ave.,
South Gate , CA 90280 UNITED STATES
Tony's Auto Repair Inc. 3

Based on 2 reviews

Tony's Auto Repair Inc. 323-564-3361
9720 Atlantic Ave.,
South Gate , CA 90280 UNITED STATES
3 5


they do good work. they are open resonable hours and they are resonable with prices. they also do not treat women like if they did not know what they are doing.
posted at 03/20/10
Tony's Auto Repair Inc. 323-564-3361
9720 Atlantic Ave.,
South Gate , CA 90280 UNITED STATES
3 5


they do good work. they are open resonable hours and they are resonable with prices. they also do not treat women like if they did not know what they are doing.
posted at 03/19/10

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Company name
Tony's Auto Repair Inc.
Auto Repair
3.0 (2 reviews)
fix car scratch,  auto painting,  car repair services automotive repair service
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Tony's Auto Repair Inc.

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