Toms Pancake House

Toms Pancake House

Restaurants in Beaverton, OR


Contact us


12925 Sw Canyon Rd.,
Beaverton , OR 97005 UNITED STATES


Toms Pancake House 503-646-2688
12925 Sw Canyon Rd.,
Beaverton , OR 97005 UNITED STATES
Toms Pancake House 1

Based on 1 reviews

Toms Pancake House 503-646-2688
12925 Sw Canyon Rd.,
Beaverton , OR 97005 UNITED STATES
1 5

Spoiled Milk, Sour Pancakes

Wanted to do something special for my 5 year old son. We (Dad and Son) went early this morning 7am. We sat at the Bar. Wanted some old fashion pancakes but got spoiled milk and sour pancakes. We came home and both of us feel sick now....
posted at 10/10/10

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Toms Pancake House
1.0 (1 reviews)
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