Tobin Dan Pontiac Buick GMC

Tobin Dan Pontiac Buick GMC

Auto Dealers in Columbus, OH

Auto Dealers Auto Repair Body Shops

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2539 Billingsley Rd.,
Columbus , OH 43235 UNITED STATES


Tobin Dan Pontiac Buick GMC 614-889-6300
2539 Billingsley Rd.,
Columbus , OH 43235 UNITED STATES
Tobin Dan Pontiac Buick GMC 1

Based on 2 reviews

Tobin Dan Pontiac Buick GMC 614-889-6300
2539 Billingsley Rd.,
Columbus , OH 43235 UNITED STATES
1 5

Worst experience ever!!

I don't even want to give them 1 star for the horrible service they provided, but yahoo made me choose at least 1. I purchased a used car and was lied to multiple times about the services they were supposed to have done to the car. All in...
posted at 06/30/10
Tobin Dan Pontiac Buick GMC 614-889-6300
2539 Billingsley Rd.,
Columbus , OH 43235 UNITED STATES
1 5

Avoid Their Service Shop

Their service department has some serious problems.

They charge you more than they verbally quote you and add in extra shop supply fees and extra diagnostics and inspections that they don't mention until you are at the cashier.

posted at 02/21/11

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Tobin Dan Pontiac Buick GMC
Auto Dealers
1.0 (2 reviews)
fix car dent,  car fixing,  foreign car repair collision auto repair
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