Tire Man

Tire Man

Auto Repair in Austin, TX

Auto Repair Tires Auto Parts and Accessories

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4300 Manchaca Rd.,
Austin , TX 78704 UNITED STATES


Tire Man 512-447-8473
4300 Manchaca Rd.,
Austin , TX 78704 UNITED STATES
Tire Man 4.75

Based on 4 reviews

Tire Man 512-447-8473
4300 Manchaca Rd.,
Austin , TX 78704 UNITED STATES
5 5

In & Out with a New Tire in 10 min/Cute shop dog

I used to always go to Discount Auto, where I thought I got a good deal, but always had to wait for hours just to get a single tire. Now I go to TireMan, because they are so quick and friendly. I always get in and out of there in about...
posted at 09/27/10
Tire Man 512-447-8473
4300 Manchaca Rd.,
Austin , TX 78704 UNITED STATES
5 5

My Best car experience yet

4 new tires and an alignment for half the next best price I could find. We've been driving for almost three weeks, and even my husband says that the car still drives like new. And he is even more of a skinflint than I am.
I called ahead...
posted at 07/02/10
Tire Man 512-447-8473
4300 Manchaca Rd.,
Austin , TX 78704 UNITED STATES
5 5

Quality Work Done In Minutes!

Just popped in this morning. I had two old tires changed out for two not as old tires I had on reserve! It took less than 20 minutes cost less than 30 bucks. Left with peace of mind and looking forward to working with Tireman in the...
posted at 02/05/11
Tire Man 512-447-8473
4300 Manchaca Rd.,
Austin , TX 78704 UNITED STATES
4 5

Great service

I went to Tireman because I just moved to Austin and got a flat and it was the closest place to my house. Got there and bought a used tire, it took them about 10 minutes to put it on and I was out of there. Later that day the new used...
posted at 08/12/10

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Company name
Tire Man
Auto Repair
4.8 (4 reviews)
collision auto repair,  auto service,  auto mechanic fix car paint
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