Tire City Inc

Tire City Inc

Auto Repair in Shirley, NY

Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations Auto Inspection Stations (emissions)

Contact us


1015 Montauk Hwy.,
Shirley , NY 11967 UNITED STATES


Tire City Inc 631-281-0257
1015 Montauk Hwy.,
Shirley , NY 11967 UNITED STATES
Tire City Inc 3.6666666666667

Based on 3 reviews

Tire City Inc 631-281-0257
1015 Montauk Hwy.,
Shirley , NY 11967 UNITED STATES
5 5

Tire City is the best!!!

My family has been dealing with Tire City for many years.We have several vehicles, some getting up in years, that are requiring alot of repairs. Mike and the guys have ALWAYS treated me fairly,got the repairs done when promised,never had...
posted at 02/23/11
Tire City Inc 631-281-0257
1015 Montauk Hwy.,
Shirley , NY 11967 UNITED STATES
2 5

Women you have been warned!

Sexist. If you go; go with a man who has some knowledge of cars. You will regret and be taken advantage of if your a women. I highly do not recommend this location. Brought my car for an inspection was told it had a 'leak' of breaker...
posted at 01/26/11
Tire City Inc 631-281-0257
1015 Montauk Hwy.,
Shirley , NY 11967 UNITED STATES
4 5

Good shop

I always found them to be honest and straightforward - its a nightmare finding a mechanic you can trust, first went there after a BLATANT rip-off attempt by the King Bear up the road... saved me a few hundred and have been happy with them...
posted at 02/15/11

Detail information

Company name
Tire City Inc
Auto Repair
3.7 (3 reviews)
automotive repair service,  foreign car repair,  auto collision auto brakes
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Tire City Inc

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