Tibbitts Inc

Tibbitts Inc

Auto Repair in Oviedo, FL

Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories Transmissions and Engines

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2981 Alafaya Trl.,
Oviedo , FL 32765 UNITED STATES


Tibbitts Inc 407-365-3085
2981 Alafaya Trl.,
Oviedo , FL 32765 UNITED STATES
Tibbitts Inc 3.75

Based on 4 reviews

Tibbitts Inc 407-365-3085
2981 Alafaya Trl.,
Oviedo , FL 32765 UNITED STATES
5 5

These technicians are the best

These guys are great. Very professional and highly skilled. Always has the vehicle ready when promised. These are the only mechanics my wife will go to. When another mechanic told her the noise was her alternator, she went to Tibbits only...
posted at 06/01/10
Tibbitts Inc 407-365-3085
2981 Alafaya Trl.,
Oviedo , FL 32765 UNITED STATES
5 5

one of the most reliable auto shops in town

I've never had a problem with Tibbit's in OVIEDO on Alafaya Trl. I've been going to Tibbit's for the last three years, recommended by a trusted friend.

I say that their price is fair considering in return for a great service from...
posted at 03/30/10
Tibbitts Inc 407-365-3085
2981 Alafaya Trl.,
Oviedo , FL 32765 UNITED STATES
1 5

Orlando's finest RIP-OFF SHOP

My son attends school nearby Tibbitt's. He had his car repaired at Tibbitt's. Although my son claimed the service manager was very polite they cut his wallet wide open while he was leaving the shop. They are polite thieves. Their website...
posted at 02/20/10
Tibbitts Inc 407-365-3085
2981 Alafaya Trl.,
Oviedo , FL 32765 UNITED STATES
4 5

Never Had A Problem

Been going to Tibbit's since I moved to the UCF/Oviedo/East Orlando area over 10 years ago. They have always treated me fairly. They call prior to doing any work on the vehicle, give me an estimate, and STICK to that estimate.

Yes, the...
posted at 03/08/10

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Company name
Tibbitts Inc
Auto Repair
3.8 (4 reviews)
fix car scratch,  car painting,  auto collision car repair estimates
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