Thomas Azreena B

Thomas Azreena B

Doctors in San Antonio, TX


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7711 Louis Pasteur Dr.,
San Antonio , TX 78229 UNITED STATES


Thomas Azreena B 210-593-0900
7711 Louis Pasteur Dr.,
San Antonio , TX 78229 UNITED STATES
Thomas Azreena B 1

Based on 1 reviews

Thomas Azreena B 210-593-0900
7711 Louis Pasteur Dr.,
San Antonio , TX 78229 UNITED STATES
1 5

The last neurologist to visit

I was unfortunate enough to be assigned this MD upon the incidence of my very first seizure as a young man in 1995, at the UT Epilepsy Center. At this time Dr. Azreena was an Assistant Neurology Professor and I was a sophomore at a...
posted at 01/26/10

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