Thin Spot Incorporated-Holland Clinic

Thin Spot Incorporated-Holland Clinic

Doctors in Albuquerque, NM

Doctors Sports Nutrition, Vitamins and Supplements

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2403 San Mateo Blvd NE, Suite W-8
Albuquerque , NM 87110 UNITED STATES

About Thin Spot Incorporated-Holland Clinic

Our medical weight loss program really works. It's not a miracle, or is it a gimmick or a hollow promise. It IS sound medical care and it DOES work.

Albuquerque's Only 100% Pure Bariatric Medical Practice
Dr. Holland is the only physician in Albuquerque who specializes exclusively in medical weight loss. You can rest assured that you are the sole focus of his attention and care.

Medication for Appropriate Patients
We use prescription appetite medication for appropriate patients. These are medications like phentermine that have been on the market over fifty years and stood the test of time. They are not miracles and they won't help much if patients don't work with them, but taken in the context of rational lifestyle changes, these agents can make very real difference for patients.


Thin Spot Incorporated-Holland Clinic 505-232-6818
2403 San Mateo Blvd NE, Suite W-8
Albuquerque , NM 87110 UNITED STATES
Thin Spot Incorporated-Holland Clinic

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Thin Spot Incorporated-Holland Clinic

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