The Thunderbird Steakhouse

The Thunderbird Steakhouse

Restaurants in Broomall, PA

Restaurants Pizza Steakhouses

Contact us


2323 W Chester Pike.,
Broomall , PA 19008 UNITED STATES


The Thunderbird Steakhouse 610-356-8869
2323 W Chester Pike.,
Broomall , PA 19008 UNITED STATES
The Thunderbird Steakhouse 5

Based on 1 reviews

The Thunderbird Steakhouse 610-356-8869
2323 W Chester Pike.,
Broomall , PA 19008 UNITED STATES
5 5

Best Cheeseteaks and pizza!!

I was born in Philly but we moved to Broomall when I was one year old. (I am 52 now).

The Thunderbird was our hangout! A place for us kids to go and socialize and eat the best pizza and cheesteaks anywhere (hands down).

I have fond...
posted at 07/29/11

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The Thunderbird Steakhouse
5.0 (1 reviews)
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The Thunderbird Steakhouse

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