The Talent Shop

The Talent Shop

Advertising and Design Services in Franklin, MI

Advertising and Design Services Modeling Agencies

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30400 Telegraph Rd.,
Franklin , MI 48025 UNITED STATES


The Talent Shop 248-644-4877
30400 Telegraph Rd.,
Franklin , MI 48025 UNITED STATES
The Talent Shop 1

Based on 1 reviews

The Talent Shop 248-644-4877
30400 Telegraph Rd.,
Franklin , MI 48025 UNITED STATES
1 5

Productions Plus Scam

I actually did work for productions plus and I must say that they are a scam. I have worked several promotions for them and at first, I did receive payment though it took them over 3 months to pay me. They also kept messing up my pay...
posted at 04/29/11

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The Talent Shop
Advertising and Design Services
1.0 (1 reviews)
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