The Steakout

The Steakout

Restaurants in Greendale, WI

Restaurants Fast Food Restaurants Steakhouses

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6300 Industrial Loop.,
Greendale , WI 53129 UNITED STATES


The Steakout 414-421-7200
6300 Industrial Loop.,
Greendale , WI 53129 UNITED STATES
The Steakout 1

Based on 1 reviews

The Steakout 414-421-7200
6300 Industrial Loop.,
Greendale , WI 53129 UNITED STATES
1 5

Steake house

The worst service we ever had. That owner got very mad when we asked why she charged us the same price as a big glass of soda but gave us a little one. She keep saying that the big glass is 8oz and the little one is 6oz no different and...
posted at 10/09/10

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The Steakout
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