The First Baptist Church of Austin

The First Baptist Church of Austin

Churches in Austin, TX


Contact us


9th Trinity.,
Austin , TX 78701 UNITED STATES


The First Baptist Church of Austin 512-476-2625
9th Trinity.,
Austin , TX 78701 UNITED STATES
The First Baptist Church of Austin 5

Based on 1 reviews

The First Baptist Church of Austin 512-476-2625
9th Trinity.,
Austin , TX 78701 UNITED STATES
5 5

The Best of Being Baptist

if your idea of "Baptist" comes from the media, or from a bad experience of your own, come downtown to First Baptist Church of Austin and discover the best of Baptist heritage and current life. FBC is a community that loves, laughs,...
posted at 02/12/10

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The First Baptist Church of Austin
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The First Baptist Church of Austin

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