Texas Autocare

Texas Autocare

Auto Repair in Carrollton, TX

Auto Repair

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1428 Mac Arthur Dr., 123
Carrollton , TX 75007 UNITED STATES


Texas Autocare 972-245-3444
1428 Mac Arthur Dr., 123
Carrollton , TX 75007 UNITED STATES
Texas Autocare 5

Based on 2 reviews

Texas Autocare 972-245-3444
1428 Mac Arthur Dr., 123
Carrollton , TX 75007 UNITED STATES
5 5

A Great Find

I have been going to see Kamal at Texas Auto Kare for a couple years now, and am extremely pleased to have found him. He is thorough, honest, and very fast. He has not attempted to sell me anything or recommend that I repair something...
posted at 07/13/10
Texas Autocare 972-245-3444
1428 Mac Arthur Dr., 123
Carrollton , TX 75007 UNITED STATES
5 5

Competent and Honest

This place is special. They know cars, they fix 'em, they are honest and reasonable, quick and careful. The owner knows what he is doing and his staff is competent. I would not go anywhere else for automobile repair.
posted at 12/07/10

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Texas Autocare
Auto Repair
5.0 (2 reviews)
auto mechanic,  auto painting,  engine repair foreign car repair
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