Sutton Tire Service

Sutton Tire Service

Auto Repair in Butler, PA

Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations Tires

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204 S Monroe St.,
Butler , PA 16001 UNITED STATES


Sutton Tire Service 724-287-5195
204 S Monroe St.,
Butler , PA 16001 UNITED STATES
Sutton Tire Service 5

Based on 1 reviews

Sutton Tire Service 724-287-5195
204 S Monroe St.,
Butler , PA 16001 UNITED STATES
5 5

Absolutely amazing service!!

I just took my foreign mini van there to be checked out because of some problems I had been having with it. This man is SO nice and really listens to you!! He checked my van out from top to bottom to try and figure the problem out! When he told me what was wrong, he referred me to other places that could fix the problem and then when I showed up to pick up my van, he had a printout of my warranty info from the KIA website. Turns out, the problem was still under warranty!! What other mechanic would do that for a customer!? He was just the nicest man. He even filled my fluids up and helped my vehicle to run better until I can take it to the dealer to be fixed! I highly reccommend this small town mechanic/tire service. He was refferred to us by a friend who also loves their work!! We will definately be giving them our business from now on!!
posted at 12/01/08

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Sutton Tire Service
Auto Repair
5.0 (1 reviews)
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