Sunshine House The

Sunshine House The

Local Services in Winston Salem, NC

Local Services Child Care and Day Care Centers

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600 Polo Rd.,
Winston Salem , NC 27106 UNITED STATES


Sunshine House The 336-759-0514
600 Polo Rd.,
Winston Salem , NC 27106 UNITED STATES
Sunshine House The 4.5

Based on 2 reviews

Sunshine House The 336-759-0514
600 Polo Rd.,
Winston Salem , NC 27106 UNITED STATES
4 5


I visited the Sunshine house while looking for daycare for my son. They offer age and stage appropriate educational programs. They will enroll children 6 weeks - 12yrs. They have individual classrooms for each age level, a summer enrichment program for school age children and several locations to choose from. They have been around since 1975 and the children I observed while I was there all seemed happy and content. There were some doing arts and crafts, some painting, one room a teacher was reading to a group of children and the infants were all being held at the time I was there. There child-adult ration seemed pretty one on one.
posted at 09/04/05
Sunshine House The 336-759-0514
600 Polo Rd.,
Winston Salem , NC 27106 UNITED STATES
5 5

I love this daycare!

We send our 2 and 4 year old to this daycare and they are absolutely wonderful! They are always doing age appropriate artwork and age appropriate activities. They are true to their open door policy and the director is amazing. I love all of the staff here. Ms. Tonya and Ms. Nicole tend to be my favorites, but i love Ms. Tanja and Ms. Angelica as well! The girls in this daycare are just great to our little girls and have taught them so much!
posted at 01/04/09

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Sunshine House The
Local Services
4.5 (2 reviews)
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