Sunnyvale Auto Body Towing

Sunnyvale Auto Body Towing

Auto Repair in Sunnyvale, CA

Auto Repair Body Shops Towing

Contact us


247 Commercial St.,
Sunnyvale , CA 94085 UNITED STATES


Sunnyvale Auto Body Towing 408-736-9645
247 Commercial St.,
Sunnyvale , CA 94085 UNITED STATES
Sunnyvale Auto Body Towing 1

Based on 3 reviews

Sunnyvale Auto Body Towing 408-736-9645
247 Commercial St.,
Sunnyvale , CA 94085 UNITED STATES
1 5

King Fisher

I got hit by these guys too parked at a fire line for a few minutes. Had to fork out $85.00 or else he was going to take it to the depot for $170.00 at a minimum. So he says. I must say tho, I was pretty impress how fast he locked the...
posted at 03/14/10
Sunnyvale Auto Body Towing 408-736-9645
247 Commercial St.,
Sunnyvale , CA 94085 UNITED STATES
1 5


Got Money??? This is what Sunnyvale Tow is all about!!! Anything to make money. Inside my mobile park, I was parked in front of someone's home for less than 10 seconds to drop off a check during my lunch hour and as soon as I handed her...
posted at 09/17/10
Sunnyvale Auto Body Towing 408-736-9645
247 Commercial St.,
Sunnyvale , CA 94085 UNITED STATES
1 5


These guys are crooks, and it is a shame that they contract with the police departments in the area. My 92 year old grandmother is getting chemo treatments for her throat cancer so she can't walk a very far distance. All the visitor...
posted at 04/08/10

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Sunnyvale Auto Body Towing
Auto Repair
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