Suarez Lisa A

Suarez Lisa A

Real Estate in Tucson, AZ

Real Estate Real Estate Agencies

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6816 N Oracle Rd., 300
Tucson , AZ 85704 UNITED STATES


Suarez Lisa A 520-544-2727
6816 N Oracle Rd., 300
Tucson , AZ 85704 UNITED STATES
Suarez Lisa A 1

Based on 1 reviews

Suarez Lisa A 520-544-2727
6816 N Oracle Rd., 300
Tucson , AZ 85704 UNITED STATES
1 5

EMS Realty is an unprofessional company

I rented through EMS for one year. They are an unprofessional organization that I will never, ever do business with again. We had to fight them for everything. We learned quickly that we had to communicate with them by certified mail...
posted at 04/28/10

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Suarez Lisa A
Real Estate
1.0 (1 reviews)
real estate company,  real estate agents,  estate service group commercial real estate companies
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