Studio Automotive

Studio Automotive

Auto Repair in Studio City, Los Angeles, CA

Auto Repair

Contact us


12471 Moorpark St.,
Studio City, Los Angeles , CA 91604 UNITED STATES


Studio Automotive 818-766-6364
12471 Moorpark St.,
Studio City, Los Angeles , CA 91604 UNITED STATES
Studio Automotive 5

Based on 1 reviews

Studio Automotive 818-766-6364
12471 Moorpark St.,
Studio City, Los Angeles , CA 91604 UNITED STATES
5 5

Excellent Service

I've been living in the Valley for ten tears now, and I went through three mechanics in the first two years. Then I stumbled upon Studio Auto while getting my car smogged at the station nextdoor. I've been a loyal customer ever since....
posted at 07/19/10

Detail information

Company name
Studio Automotive
Auto Repair
5.0 (1 reviews)
car fixing,  auto body repairs,  engine repair foreign car repair
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