Stacks Auto Service

Stacks Auto Service

Auto Repair in North Babylon, NY

Auto Repair Tires Auto Parts and Accessories

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745 Deer Park Ave.,
North Babylon , NY 11703 UNITED STATES


Stacks Auto Service 631-422-4010
745 Deer Park Ave.,
North Babylon , NY 11703 UNITED STATES
Stacks Auto Service 4

Based on 2 reviews

Stacks Auto Service 631-422-4010
745 Deer Park Ave.,
North Babylon , NY 11703 UNITED STATES
4 5

call me please with your problem

please Denise call me tom i am the owner i would like to resolve any problem you have with my company ,i tried to find you in my computer but could not find any Denise with 09 Hyundai ,again i will resolve any problem you might have
posted at 01/31/11
Stacks Auto Service 631-422-4010
745 Deer Park Ave.,
North Babylon , NY 11703 UNITED STATES
4 5


REMEMBER ME, 2009 HYUNDAI SANTA FE> Treated me like dirt, wouldn't honor your coupon.. Embarrased me. Your a jerk and I hope you lose your business. Please everyone do yourself a favor and DON"T GO THERE! Denise L.
posted at 01/25/11

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Stacks Auto Service
Auto Repair
4.0 (2 reviews)
auto service,  fix car dent,  foreign car repair auto tune up
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