St. Pius X Daycare

St. Pius X Daycare

Local Services in Chula Vista, CA

Local Services Child Care and Day Care Centers

Contact us


37 E Emerson St.,
Chula Vista , CA 91911 UNITED STATES


St. Pius X Daycare 619-422-0589
37 E Emerson St.,
Chula Vista , CA 91911 UNITED STATES
St. Pius X Daycare 5

Based on 1 reviews

St. Pius X Daycare 619-422-0589
37 E Emerson St.,
Chula Vista , CA 91911 UNITED STATES
5 5

Excellent for school students

Very convenient for students that attend the school. They will also provide daycare for siblings while parents are in conference with the teachers. Price is very inexpensive.
posted at 05/21/10

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St. Pius X Daycare
Local Services
5.0 (1 reviews)
child care resource and referral,  home child care,  licensed child care providers child care assistance for single mothers
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St. Pius X Daycare

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