Southgate Ford Inc

Southgate Ford Inc

Automotive in Southgate, MI

Automotive Auto Dealers Auto Repair

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16501 Fort St.,
Southgate , MI 48195 UNITED STATES


Southgate Ford Inc 734-282-3636
16501 Fort St.,
Southgate , MI 48195 UNITED STATES
Southgate Ford Inc 1.5

Based on 2 reviews

Southgate Ford Inc 734-282-3636
16501 Fort St.,
Southgate , MI 48195 UNITED STATES
1 5

worst buying experience ever!

Worst buying experience I've ever had or heard of. Ken and Randy are a couple of scammers. Almost a $100 difference between the payment they insisted I was lucky to get and the payment they offered the next day. No courtesy at all. ...
posted at 04/08/11
Southgate Ford Inc 734-282-3636
16501 Fort St.,
Southgate , MI 48195 UNITED STATES
2 5

Southgate forD Never agAin

I bought a used car 57 days ago. So far windoW mAlfunction, putting in 3 quart of oil Every 8 days, radiator hosE busted twice in 2 dAys, short in rear taillight, now whiStle noise while Driving, rattle in engine, riding horrible 66 month...
posted at 01/05/11

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Southgate Ford Inc
1.5 (2 reviews)
auto body repairs,  engine repair,  car audio installation auto mechanic
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