Soohoo Alden DC

Soohoo Alden DC

Chiropractors in South San Francisco, CA


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345 Baden Ave.,
South San Francisco , CA 94080 UNITED STATES


Soohoo Alden DC 650-875-3833
345 Baden Ave.,
South San Francisco , CA 94080 UNITED STATES
Soohoo Alden DC 5

Based on 2 reviews

Soohoo Alden DC 650-875-3833
345 Baden Ave.,
South San Francisco , CA 94080 UNITED STATES
5 5

Thorough and versatile chiropractic massage

I've been going to Dr. Alden Soohoo at South City Chiropractic every one or two months over the past fifteen years, to maintain my spinal and neck health (preventively). On a couple occasions when I injured my neck, jaw or arms we set up...
posted at 04/04/10
Soohoo Alden DC 650-875-3833
345 Baden Ave.,
South San Francisco , CA 94080 UNITED STATES
5 5

Thorough and versatile chiropractic massage

I've been going to Dr. Alden Soohoo at South City Chiropractic every one or two months over the past fifteen years to maintain spinal and neck health (preventively). On a couple occasions when I injur...
posted at 04/05/10

Detail information

Company name
Soohoo Alden DC
5.0 (2 reviews)
upper back pain relief,  chiropractic adjustment
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Soohoo Alden DC

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