Silver Star Auto Haus Limited

Silver Star Auto Haus Limited

Auto Repair in Schwenksville, PA

Auto Repair Car Wash

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4312 Skippack Pike.,
Schwenksville , PA 19473 UNITED STATES


Silver Star Auto Haus Limited 610-584-0511
4312 Skippack Pike.,
Schwenksville , PA 19473 UNITED STATES
Silver Star Auto Haus Limited 4

Based on 1 reviews

Silver Star Auto Haus Limited 610-584-0511
4312 Skippack Pike.,
Schwenksville , PA 19473 UNITED STATES
4 5


I would highly recommend you stay away from this place. The owner, Michael, is a bit of a tyrant with his business. My car sat on his lot for over two months without him working on it. I've heard of mechanics padding bills and creating...
posted at 07/12/11

Detail information

Company name
Silver Star Auto Haus Limited
Auto Repair
4.0 (1 reviews)
domestic car repair,  fix car dent,  auto brakes
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Silver Star Auto Haus Limited

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